Response to Intervention & MTSS
District Philosophy
The Keller ISD Response-to-Intervention Program promotes a strategic, proactive approach to providing high-quality, research-based intervention instruction prescribed and administered according to local and state assessment data.
These high-yield instructional practices create appropriate learning opportunities designed to meet the needs of all Keller ISD learners.
Frequent, appropriate assessments, designed to measure learning achievement and growth rate over time, guide the data-driven decision-making process.
Academic Intervention Coordinators work within the MTSS framework through Response to Intervention (RTI) to maximize student academic achievement. Campuses are supported with the use of:
multiple sources of data to identify students at-risk of poor learning outcomes
Research-based interventions and resources
progress monitoring tools
on-going professional development
fidelity checks of intervention implementation
strong SIT (Student Intervention Teams) and support for the Problem-Solving Process
For more information regarding Response to Intervention, please contact Todd Anderson, assistant principal, at